So it's been a while since I actually blogged, and I am feeling so detached! Finally, I have time to write. :)
Once Scott and I were officially done with the semester, we came to Boise to celebrate Christmas with the Millers. The drive up was a little snowy, but nothing too worrisome. On the way up I started reading Twilight, which Scott gave me for our anniversary. I've been hooked since the first chapter, so Scott gave me the second book of the series for Christmas. I have since finished that and moved on to the third. I can't wait to finish the series and see the movie!
Christmas was wonderful! On Christmas Eve Eve (the day before Christmas Eve) we spent the day baking. We made Chocolate Cutout Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Peanut Butter Blossoms, and Muddy Buddies. After all was said and done, we went caroling to deliver the baked goods to neighbors and friends. It was the best Christmas Eve Eve ever!
Christmas Eve we spent wrapping presents, watching Christmas Classic, and making a gingerbread house! Well it was made from graham crackers, but it was amazing. I'll put pictures up soon. After our Christmas Eve dinner we had a little talent show. We had two piano solos by Melanie and Landon, a duet sung by Julie and Janelle with Dave on the piano, a solo by Lisa with Dave on the piano, and a dance number by Scott and I. It was so much fun! After the Christmas Show we all got dressed up to portray The Nativity. Scott and I were Joseph and Mary, which was awesome. I would have thought that all the girls wanted to be Mary, but the sisters always fight over who gets to be the angel. Kind of funny. :) After the Nativity we each opened a gift.
Christmas Day we woke at six to open presents. We opened things youngest to oldest, one-by-one. It was lots of fun! I received some great gifts that were much needed, and everyone enjoyed the gifts we gave. Once the gift stuff was over Scott and I went back to bed to catch the sleep we missed. The rest of the day we played games and watched movies.
We planned to come home the 26th, but every road was closed. We're just riding it out here (quite comfortably I might add) and waiting for the roads to clear. We don't have any pressing engagements until January, so we'll be here relaxing until further notice. :)